How in the world are these two related? Maybe McCain is an avid consumer; or he could be secretly campaigning against this cash cow industry. Probably not. In fact they only share the same sentence because I felt like addressing both single and separately- but at the same time. (did that make sense?)
I recently saw this commercial advertising a low calorie energy water which used a less than classy technique. They were comparing their competition with their own, pointing out the fact that the other leading power water had an enormous amount of calories. The actors who were staged in a gym seemed baffled that they had to run another 6 mile to burn off what they had just consumed. HA!
Calories = energy! Hello- the whole point of these drinks are to have more energy.
Sure- if you are a little on the pudgy side and want to loose weight, then by all means- drink this new water (or just regular water!) and let your body metabolize your own energy stores. BUT if you want to be active and competitive in a sport or activity then go for the increased caloric intake.
Now for McCain. I wanted to express my concern for the fact that Sen. McCain was a P.O.W. Does that not worry any of you? There's emotional scarring that comes with that. Makes you wonder if he's any way desensitized or has a hidden agenda to retaliate his oppressors once he becomes President. What if the pressures of the office surpass his breaking point?
He's a powerful leader and I'm sure he would make some great changes, but you just have to wonder- what risk am i taking if I vote for him.
well that's all folks! until next time-
Hey Mando, I still don't think McCain is a menace to foreign relations. Your argument actually made me think that he'd be better for the job because he's been so far past the breaking point (and back!) that he'd probably be great under pressure. But that's just my opinion. Nice thought on the energy drink. Sometimes these commercials can be so innane-it's embarrassing when I just unthinkingly accept everything I see. Ny says McCain flips people off when he's mad-so maybe you're onto something. But what is the alternative? Obama? I'm not looking forward to this next year (politically and economically speaking). Other than that, this next year is gonna rock!
I'm not impressed at either sides choice of candidates for the election out of all the fine minds in our nation this is all we could dig up!?
and about the energy drinks
I always have to laugh at the restraunt when someone oders a diet coke with a bacon cheese burgers and fries.
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